Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Feeling Good

What a nice feeling when you find a good candidate, they stay in play throughout the entire interview process and then accept your offer.

Two new Functional Financials Consultants have accepted our offers, a Sr. Technical Consultant, and a new Business Development Manager as well. This week is really looking up.

Now, if I can just repeat this pattern over the next few weeks, I'll be all caught up.

I need to figure some way to make time to get some training on the workings of Oracle Apps and the ins and outs of implementing the different modules so that I sound more knowledgeable when I am interviewing candidates. I am the first line of approval and then we have one or more of our existing consultants do a peer level interview to determine how strong a candidate might be. Then final test is the interview with our Sr. Management staff. Too many weak candidates are getting pass my interview so I need to have more knowledge about the apps to catch these and not waste the time of our other staff. But when I do find one that is good and the follow-up interviews confirm they are good, then I can bask in the glow of success. Or at least until the next urgent need comes up.


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