Thursday, February 07, 2008

WOW - 2008 Already!!

My, how time flys when you are so so busy. Holiday period for me was actually very busy because of new openings that had to be filled by the end of the year. I was able to make some headway on these but still have others to fill.

I usually start each morning with CNN but it is getting kind of scary with all the news about bad economic & housing conditions, horrible presidential candidates who really scare me should they get elected (although I think the really scary ones have fallen by the wayside), and just horrible weather stories each morning. Almost makes one think that the world is getting ready to fall apart!!

Fortunately for us though, none of this has seemed to dampen the Oracle Consulting market yet. We are still very busy and continuing to grow with no expecations of our growth slowing down in the near future.

It is still also extremely hard to find good candidates who are willing to look at full-time salaried consulting positions instead of hourly contract jobs. I think that also sustains my feelings that the Oracle Consulting market is still going full speed ahead.

Now, just in case you happen to be reading this and are an experienced Oracle Apps Specialist, here are the area where I still need to add staff:

***Implementation Project Managers (hands-on functional skills preferred)
***Functional Consultants (Financials, HRMS, CRM, MFG/SC, Property Manager and Project/Grants Accounting
***Apps DBAs
***Technical Consultants (same areas as the Functional ones listed above)


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