Tuesday, June 21, 2005


One of the nice benefits of being a recruiter is that as long as I can connect to the internet, I don't necessarily have to be in the office 10 hours a day. Of course, if I would cough up the bucks to upgrade my home connectivity to higher than dialup, it would be much easier to work from home more days than I currently do.

Couple things in the last couple of weeks have perplexed us. First, it was the apparent unavailability of good experienced Functional FinApps candidates when we needed to add a couple more to our staff. Now we are seeing the same thing with trying to find a good Procurement Functional candidate. It makes me wonder what will happen when the Oracle market really start heating up. And it just isn't AST that is experiencing this. All the firms that I talk with that recruit in the Oracle Apps arena are experiencing that same thing.

That is my goal for this week, to find a couple of potentially good Procurement candidates and get them started in our interview process.


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