Typical Holiday Rush is On!!!
And I sometimes think Hiring Managers get this same anxiety about needing to fill positions between now and the end of the year. In my 20 odd years of recruiting experience, I don't think I can remember ever seeing a year where the hiring activity slowed down. In most cases it seems that 2 or 3 emergency urgent needs come up where I have to work day and night to come up with someone.
Well, this year is again proving me right. What looked like a little break in the hiring activity has now turned completely around and we are urgently looking to hire for DBAs, Project Managers, OTL Functional and CRM Functional so they can all start in the next couple of weeks. There goes my 4 day weekend again this year!!
Maybe this is healthier for me though. With a 4 day weekend I'd probably eat and spend too much anyway.
Nice thing this week is that I received approval to do a pretty full compliment of AIRS Internet Recruiting Training next year. I haven't had time (or a company willing to pay for it) for training for several years now and it will be nice to see what is new in the classrooms. How knows, maybe I'll even become a CIR (Certified Internet Recruiter)?